The Bearcamp Pond has been without loon chicks for the last five years. There are a number of reasons why the chicks have not survived, unfortunately the Loon Preservations Society has not been able to pinpoint why. This year the Bearcamp Pond Association put out a brand new and refurbished nest. Much to our surprise, the loons nested on the shore and chose not to occupy either of the two floating nests.

Hence, we are taking a pause in bringing up the water level but only until the eggs hatch. This should be around the end of June.  We want to help them in anyway we can.  So if you see them, please keep your distance.  Thank you for your patience and consideration.

Beach Policy update from the Town of Sandwich

Town Beach announcement and Rules 2020:
Thank you to all residents who participated in the recreational spaces survey!  It is great to hear how committed this community is to using public spaces in a safe and fair manner. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be implementing modifications to beach policies this year with the understanding that we must remain flexible in this time of ever-changing circumstances. All policies are subject to change, however we understand residents are eager to begin summer planning. Community cooperation is essential to ensuring effective policies and is greatly appreciated in advance!

  • Please wear a mask when moving to and from vehicles and maintain distance from anyone that is not in your household (per CDC guidelines). Please do not come to the beach if you or a member of your household is sick. As we seek to keep facilities accessible to all residents, please be mindful of the large at-risk sector of our population.

  • No Lifeguards on Duty: swim at your own risk at all times!  No inflatables, but lifejackets and foam noodles are allowed.  There will be no picnic tables and no swim raft, but we will have swim lines. There will be no swim lessons this summer.

  • The Beach parking area will be for beachgoers only. Please use roadside parking or the trailer lot across the street from the beach for boat use including rooftop launches (kayaks, canoes, etc.)

  • Beach games will not be allowed (spikeball, frisbee, bocce, football, Kan Jam etc.)

  • As always, facility stickers and/or guest passes are required for use of the town beaches. Parking policies will be strictly enforced. 

Loon update: JULY, 2022

A member of The Loon Preservation Committee and members of the Bearcamp Pond Association board put in the loon nest in early May. Loons arrived to Bearcamp Pond on April 11, 2022.

Loon update: June 29, 2020

A member of The Loon Preservation Committee and members of the Bearcamp Pond Association board put in the loon nest in early May. The nest received a new fencing and camouflage cover. Up to 4 loons have been seen on the pond this spring. Two loons were seen investigating the nest as of last weekend but no “nesting” has occurred.

Loon update: July 26, 2019

Members of The Loon Preservation Committee were out to inspect the loons’ nest. They discovered that the one egg had been over-incubated and is no longer viable. The tagged, male loon was sitting on the nest at the time of inspection. They were hoping the female, who is not yet tagged would be there so they could get bands on her. They left the egg on the nest and will be back soon to try and tag the female and will pick up the egg at that time.

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Fireworks and New Hampshire's Lakes

 The Department of Environmental Services has a new fact sheet about fireworks


Help with monitoring algae blooms and Cyanobacteria! 

We encourage everyone who frequents the pond to become Citizen Scientists. Download and use the smartphone App BloomWatch.

NHDES has launched a new webpage about Cyanobacteria to promote public awareness and preparedness for blooms in the coming summer season. 

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